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Susu Evaporasi

Evaporated Milk

Evaporated milk is often confused with sweetened condensed milk, even though the two are different milk derivative products. In everyday life we may often hear

Fermented milk

Fermented milk

Fermented milk is a milk derivative product. This fermented food or drink made from milk is known to have existed since 10,000 years BC and

Serba-serbi Krimer

About Creamers

Creamer is a substitute for milk or cream which is used as an additive in beverages such as coffee and tea. Here are things you

Minuman Dingin Khas Indonesia

Indonesian Cold Drinks

As a tropical country, the weather in Indonesia is known to be quite hot during the day. It’s no wonder that Indonesia has many variations

Minuman Berkarbonasi

Minuman Berkarbonasi

Minuman berkarbornasi lebih dikenal dengan nama minuman bersoda. Minuman soda dapat dikonsumsi tersendiri atau dicampur dengan bahan lain untuk membuat minuman lain yang lebih nikmat.

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